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I know that I am one with beauty

And that my comrades are one

Let our souls be mountains

Let our spirits be stars

Let our hearts be worlds.

Ella Young (1857-1956)

Born in Ireland, where she lived for almost half her life, Ella was a visionary writer, revolutionary, folklorist, and poet. A close friend of Maud Gonne, Yeats, and AE she was a well-known member of the vibrant Dublin literary and occult scene of the early 20th century.
From childhood she had very close contact with spiritual beings who guided and shaped her life and work. Going to America in 1925 where she spent the rest of her life,  the nature beings in the redwood groves near her home in Halcyon, California and in the mountains, especially Mount Shasta became her new guides. Her adoptive community centred on The Temple of the People, was a hub of creativity which included John Varian, Henry Cowell, Ansel Adams, and many other prominent American early modern artists and writers. She taught a course in Irish mythology at the University of California for many years, and also published very popular versions of Irish legends for children.
Previously published only once in 1944, Flowering Dusk is not a linear autobiography, but a series of memories, vignettes and reminiscences which have a vividness and immediacy which is both charming and compelling.
This is a limited edition of 300 copies only.
Available in the shop now, priced £45.00
Please note that shipping will start on March 10th 2025.


PUBLICATIONS 2024 - 2025

A Path to the Grail – Dion Fortune and Christian Gilson

The Guild of the Master Jesus originated out of Dion Fortune’s wish to form a new kind of Christian worship for adepts which would become The Church of the Graal. She wrote liturgy, rituals and other papers for the Guild, some which will be published here for the first time, along with informative and thought-provoking complementary essays by Christian Gilson who had unrestricted access to all the unpublished Guild materials from the Society of the Inner Light


A History of Irish Magic – Sally North and James North

This is our labour of love: a series of linked studies exploring druids, witchcraft, fairies, sacred kingship, Irish Hermeticists, W. B. Yeats and his Celtic Order, and the “Hibernian Adept” Art O’Murnaghan. This study is the first of its kind.


Flowering Dusk – Ella Young

This is her fascinating autobiography only published once before (in 1944). From her respectable but stifling Irish Presbyterian family, to theosophy and mysticism, the sacred land, nature beings, fairies. Then America in all its splendours, her life with the mystics of Halcyon and the “Dunites” a free-wheeling community of painters, writers, poets and visionaries in San Luis Opisbo. Ella transplanted her magical Irish ritual order to America, which continued her work until the 1980s.


Mysterious Rose: Althea Gyles and W. B. Yeats – Sally North 

The enigmatic Althea Gyles is best known for the remarkable cover illustrations she created for W. B. Yeats, that and her rather scandalous love life. We usually see glimpses of her through the eyes of others, mainly Yeats, who frequently helped her financially and professionally. This book explores the relationship of Gyles with Yeats and others, including Aleister Crowley, her rejected lover. Sally discovered a previously unknown artwork by Althea Gyles, a print of this work will be included in the book.


Glastonbury Abbey (title tbc) – Paul Weston 

We discussed doing this book with Paul some time ago and are delighted that it’s now underway. Paul’s deep researches into the Abbey – its saints, kings, nobles, and sinners is sure to be a fascinating read.  Anyone familiar with Paul’s previous works in history, myth, psycho-geography and synchronicity can look forward to another thrilling and strange journey, this time into the Abbey and its secrets.

The Sphere Group – Sally North and Tony Fuller

A comprehensive collection of the Sphere Group documents, with biographical notes on each of the members. The book will include unpublished material and full colour illustrations of the ritual diagrams with expanded material. Also included will be a discussion of the “controversy” about the legitimacy of the group, actioned by Annie Horniman.


As usual, our hardback editions are very limited in number. We are taking pre-orders and expressions of interest informally at the moment on a first come, first served basis. Please get in touch at if you’d like to reserve a copy or copies – there is no obligation on your part.

If time allows we will also be bringing out a series of booklets on topics of esoteric interest – more to follow on this in the next newsletter.

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News and Events


11 Hume St, Dublin 2

Launch party and book signing for A History of Irish Magic.

Come along to Dublin's hippest art gallery to meet the authors. Books will be signed, drinks will be had, and hopefully some lively discussions. All are welcome but to keep an eye on numbers we ask that you pre-book through this link.

James and Sally will be giving a short talk on the Dublin occultists in the Yeats/Russell circle as Gallery X is literally around the corner from their headquarters at 3 Upper Ely Place.

We look forward to meeting you.

University College Cork - Study of Religions Research Seminar Series will take place on Wednesday 15 February from 5-6pm (Irish & UK Time/GMT) on MS Teams:

Dr Sally North: "A Labyrinth of Images: WB Yeats and the Celtic Order"

This seminar will explore the secret order which Yeats founded in 1896 with the assistance of Maud Gonne, George Pollexfen, Æ, and fellow initiates of the Golden Dawn. We will look at the techniques Yeats used to contact the Tuatha de Danaan and the ancient Irish heroes using selected extracts from his unpublished “Explorations” and initiatory rituals.

The talk is now available on youtube.

University College Cork - Study of Religions Research Seminar Series will take place on Wednesday 5th of April from 5-6pm (Irish & UK Time/GMT) on MS Teams: 

James North: AE Russell, the Dublin Theosophists and the Irish Avatar. 

This talk considers the spiritual, political and cultural programme of 1890s Irish Theosophy. It shows how the vision of a spiritual awakening connected with the West of Ireland was of enduring importance AE, and how several remarkable and forgotten figures in the Dublin circle led by AE took the inspiration of Irish Theosophy from its cradle in Dublin as far as India and the West Coast of America.

The talk is now available on youtube.

About Holythorn Press

Holythorn Press is a small publishing company based in Ireland and London. Our emphasis is on esoteric books which are not only informative, but also well-designed and high quality. We are passionate about bringing to the public books and ideas which were previously kept private, or, have been forgotten and are deserving of a new generation of readers. In addition we will be publishing new writing on esotericism and culture, including, but not limited to: history, poetry, art, and philosophy.

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